Dear Hot Weather,
I know that you know that you're not doing good for everybody. Take a look around you and tell me who's enjoying this summer? Yes I know that not all people have concern for the environment and not all people are aware (or should I say not making themselves aware) of the things they can do to help mother nature particularly the ozone layer. You are way too hot than expected. Could you just lower down your temperature? There's still tomorrow you know. My daughter and other kids are suffering. Not only the kids but us adults are suffering too. Please?
From a mother who's worried about heatstroke..

OK, so I have no idea where you live, but you must be on the other side of the world from me. We haven't quite entered summer yet and since I live in TX, we KNOW hot summers. I hope you cool down soon!
Thanks for linking up again!
OK, I don't know where you live either but over here in the Pacific NW we could sure use some of that heat!
I hope you have a cooler weekend!
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