Friday, April 8, 2011

Letters Of Intent #2

Dear Ma'am,

I know that you are more experienced when it comes to parenting than my husband and I. But I do hope that you will understand us when we say that we have our own style in parenting. We greatly appreciate your opinions and unsolicited advice. However please try to understand as well that my daughter has just turned nine months and that your two year old grandson spanked in the face her while she was sleeping. Your son has reacted for the first time after a couple of the same incidents, not because he's mad at his nephew but because you left him beside my daughter unguarded. If my daughter is a toddler at that time we might understand the situation then and we will be less (over)protective of her. We will let her have bruised knees because in that way, she'll learn. In that way she will know what to avoid, how to stand up and when to say stop. Let me repeat that, 'she's just turned nine months. And yes, we ARE over protective of her and I think we have all the right in the world. I believe that if we tell the child that what he did was wrong at an early age, he will remember it for life. It's not right and funny to laugh about it while the other was crying because she's hurt.

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