Friday, April 8, 2011

30 Days Of Blogging (Day 14)

Day 14 I'm so sleepy but here I go!

Day 14 - A Picture You Love

I love pictures. But if I am to choose of which is my favorite? That will be this one:

This is my daughter when I gave birth at the hospital. She's less than a day old on that picture. I love that picture so much because that's the first time I saw her (when the anesthesia ran off). She's so adorable and she just stares at me as if saying "you're my mom right?" Oh her dad  can't stop taking pictures of her and me while crying. I was overdue then of one week and three days and we're kind of worried that she might get an infection so we're really thankful that she didn't. She's very healthy.

But before that, my favorite photo was this, my wedding:

And speaking of photo. I'm actually planning of buying a DSLR camera tomorrow. It was supposed to be last week but I'm still undecided - until now - which brand to buy. I've read a couple of forums and reviews about Canon and Sony cameras but I don't know yet. Many are saying that canon is the best, but when I read their their specifications, I think Sony is better. I like Sony SLT-A33Y. It comes with SAL1855 all purpose lens and SAL55200-2 telephoto zoom lens. Yes I have my preference and that would be Sony because most of our things here at home are Sony but of course I'm open for other brands. Hmm... I still have tomorrow morning to think about it.

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