Tuesday, March 29, 2011

7 Royal Questions On Tuesday #1

(**warning** I couldn't stop at 7 questions this week)
1. What is your favorite lipstick color and why? matte, something a little bit dark

2. How long does it take you to get ready to go to work in the morning? I wake up very early so I could give myself an hour to prepare

3. Do you have your nails professionally done? Mani? Pedi? no, not really

4. Tell us about your latest spa experience - real or imagined. It was on our first anniversary, my husband and I had a relaxation and I can say that if only I have given birth for more than 6 months when we went there, I could have had the most relaxing spa experience ever!

5. Is there something you'd like to change about your appearance? Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? I don't like needle and surgery thing actually, so none

6. How do you take care of your skin? I make sure I put on lotion and that I don't sleep with any make up on

7. Tell us your secrets for vibrant, shiny, healthy-looking hair. choose the right shampoo for your hair, or else it will be dry and frizzy

8.  What is your favorite fragrance? I like apple smell fragrance or anything baby smell

9.  Everyone has a certain color they love to wear. What is yours? I love black and white and yes I'm more of a goth BEFORE, but now I think that any pastel color suits me and gives me a fresher sweet look LOL!

10. Do you have ink? I think not

11. How would you describe your personal style? jeans and t-shirt.


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