Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old times

A friend sent me this:

I saw you today,
I saw that you saw me,
Is this is what has become of us,
Is this our reality?
We passed each other today,

I struggled not to look back,
To you, to who we are
what we used to be.
A long Time Ago We Used to Be Friends
Those lyrics play in my head whenever I see you,

Hear your voice,
Or give you a friendly smile and wave

Now everything is just a label;
A casual meet and greet,
Only saying hello so we can say goodbye…
Time changes everything,

It changed everything between us-
(When you make new friends you often forget the old)
You saw me today,

And I saw that you saw me,
And I wonder if you ever think of us
And how things used to be?
I can still remember the times when we were still friends, and until now it still hurts to remember that we were friends along time ago. Just along time ago...
I guess I really have to let it all go. and learn to forget.

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